15 May 2013

Oh So Crafty!

I've been feeling really crafty lately. Whether it's the spring that has finally arrived here in Edmonton, or the shot of inspiration I got while mountain gazing in Jasper, I don't know. But my crafticitis has just gotten more severe. Last week, I did up a small gift for Holly at Domestic Dork as a way to remind her to take some time for herself as she now is a mother of 2. It wasn't much, just took a little creative Photoshopping, some cardstock, and a corner of a sheet of "macky tack" (that's what my husband calls paper laminate), and voila!, or Allons-y! as it were.
Make your own bookmarks featuring The Tenth Doctor making a crazy awesome face: Doctor Who Bookmark PDF Free Download

I'm also working on new art for the bathroom. I found a wonderful tutorial on how to transfer inkjet printed materials to other surfaces, so I'm jazzing up a dollar store find with some acrylic paint and word art.

Speaking of the dollar store, that's where I do most of my shopping for craft items. Being a renter and not having a shed or yard or garage to pop in to for supplies or tools or that bit of cool stuff you kept just in case, I have to make do with cheap goodwill or retail finds. In both cases, it's super easy to find things that just beg to be brought home and updated. Dollar stores in particular have lots of premade signs that I gaze at and rub my hands over evilly, thinking of all the things I could Mod Podge onto them. I've got paints and tapes and nails and yarn and I'm just itching to use them. Most of the time I go to the dollar store looking for something specific, and all of the time I come out with some item I just know I can makeover into something a real person would want to hang in their home. I will provide a whole tutorial next week in my Wednesday whimsies on this ink transfer/paint makeover when it's finished. I can't wait to use my bathroom once its done - it'll be so refreshing!


Unknown said...

Thanks again! Love it SO much! Shared your post on FB and Twitter and Pinterest. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Thank YOU!

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