03 July 2013

The Wonders of You (Yes! You, Canada!)

Matt looking properly dapper
Hi all! Long time, no talk. Sorry for the intermittent contact lately. As you know from my last post, I've been feeling a bit undermotivated. However, Matt and I had a great Canada Day weekend, so I want to share some of our photos and memories with you all. Friday and Saturday were spent running around doing errands and watching some movies. Overall, nothing significant to report.

We found an original "Cherry Bomb" (our beloved Ford Fiesta)!
But Sunday we went to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village! It's just east of Edmonton, and it's exactly what it sounds like: an old-timey village devoted to educating people about the Ukrainian migration and settlement here in Alberta. Also, that particular day was the Vintage Day celebration, so there was a tasters fair to try all the different foods, live music, and a vintage car show.

The working Mill, making Red Grain wheat
We couldn't resist, so we fired up the sunscreen and headed out. The town site is really quite cool, and they have a great collection of houses, stores, and public places that have been moved from the surrounding small towns and placed in the Village for preservation. We were able to experience a small but very decorative Greek Orthodox church, a working mill, an authentic train station, and examples of how both the poor and the rich made a living in this new world. The historical interpreters were very good and maintained character, except for the young girl that told me she loved my My Little Pony t-shirt (but even with that slip she was still extremely knowledgable about her building). We spent a few hours there and we only saw about half of the park. When it is not so hot and humid, we may make our way back to see the rest.
Making a call at the Telephone Exchange

And Monday, Canada Day itself, we visited Fort Edmonton Park again for their Dominion Day celebration! It was such a fun and different way of celebrating, and the place was absolutely packed with people. We took in all the buildings we had missed the last time, going slowly and savouring everything. There was live music here as well! Two great bands were playing hits from the Roaring 20s (and music inspired by the time period - there was definitely a movie music medley). There were flappers teaching the Charleston, mounties and "bobbies" clearing the streetcar tracks with bullhorns and whistles, and Matt and I found a house we really liked so we just have to convince the Park to let us live there. We also got our photos taken at the Olde Tyme Photo Shoppe (I wish I had made that name up) dressed as a very to-do Victorian couple. The photographer took to calling me "Lady Anastasia". I think it was the feathers on my hat that did it.

Matt fed horses for the first time ever! Immediately afterward, we discovered the sign that said "Don't Feed the Horses!" Whoops.

Since Monday was even hotter than Sunday (over 40C with the humidex factored in), we walked around the park for a few hours and then called it a day. But what a day; it was so much fun! We plan on visiting the Park again soon to attend their annual Celtic Gathering - I cannot wait to go back.

I somehow feel this bulletin is still extremely relevant
We have plans this weekend to take in the Devonian Gardens on one of their "Date Nights", and head down to Whyte Ave for the Medieval Festival on Saturday. Summer is so much fun in this city, and I adore heading out with Matt to places he hasn't ever been even though he lived here before.

I'll be back on Friday with another Flat-Out post. It's been great seeing you again!


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