We have friends! I mean, not that we didn't have friends before, but Matt and I are both the sort of people that have a few friends we really, really like, as opposed to a lot of friends who are just all right. Whatever. The point is that we have friends who like us and we like them and they want to hang out with us, like, twice a week. It's uncanny!
Awww, aren't we cute?! |
We went to Trivia Night again on Thursday - did not do nearly as well as the first week we attended, but the experience was marred by a malfunctioning microphone and a case of "pub near capacity". We still had a lot of fun but I was jangled by the time we left ("jangled" was Matt's word; it's a good one). Friday night we attended another military party: the All Ranks Dinner/Dance at Schank's, which is this crazy pub with bowling, virtual golf, mini golf, an arcade, pool tables, and three bars for two stories of drinking craziness. Basically, it was huge. Matt was the runner-of-all-things-running that night, so I helped with the technical stuff as his familiarity with and patience for computers is moderate at best. Everything went off well, and we had a good meal, some great conversation, and we won a door prize which we are using for admission passes to K-Days here in Edmonton, basically the city's equivalent of the Expo in Ottawa. It's great because Matt will be on summer leave while they are on, so we can fully enjoy all they offer and get me plenty of weight-bearing exercise walking around looking at it all.

Speaking of walking around, Saturday we spent a few hours doing just that. We went to Whyte Ave for the Art Walk, a sidewalk gallery of artists from all over the province that takes up several city blocks and an entire park. We then walked through the neighbourhood of Old Strathcona and looked at some of the great older houses, admiring the upkeep the owners were clearly undertaking. When I began to get tired, we headed back toward Whyte for a bubble tea, and then it was off to get groceries before heading home.
Sunday we helped celebrate Fort Edmonton Park's Celtic Gathering, and it was a lot of fun. Matt and I are really loving our season passes to the Fort - we have been 3 times now and we do something new each time. This time we tried haggis and bannock, toured the market, snagged fresh ginger molasses cookies at the Bakery and sat in the beautiful Queen Victoria Park under the arbour while we ate them. We saw the movie playing at the Capital Cinema, called "Northern Lights". It was quite excellent and captured the spirit of Edmonton and its people very well. We took a steam train ride and played old fashioned games at the Midway. Matt won me a fan by carefully tossing softballs into a numbered grid, and I won him a set of wooden dominoes from the fishing pond.
All in all, we are getting out and actually enjoying summer in our city. Tonight we are off to a barbeque with two homemade pies. Wednesday there is an event for Friends of the Devonian Garden where they are giving a talk on orchid varieties and a tour of the Japanese Garden with a park interpreter. And then Sunday is Military and Service Appreciation Day at the local baseball field, so Matt has secured us tickets and we are off to watch some AAA ball.
To sum up: we have finally gotten a life.
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